
 Mục lục tạp chí Khoa học Kỹ thuật Nông Lâm nghiệp số 4 năm 2005






Effects of paclobutrazol doses on the floral induction of Khiew Sawoei mango at Dong Tien farm, Ho Chi Minh city
Nguyen Van Ke and Nguyen Minh Dong


Life history data for fig wax scale Ceroplastes rusci L. (Homoptera: coccidae): Pest on soursop and other trees in Binh Chanh, Ho Chi Minh city
Vu Thi Nga, Nguyen Thi Chat and Pham Van Lam


Research of life history for tailed butterfly (Graphium agamemnon L.) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): pest on soursop (Annona muricata L.) in Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam
Vu Thi Nga, Nguyen Thi Chat and Pham Van Lam


Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana strains plus insecticide for controlling of brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) attacking on rice plant
Vo Thi Thu Oanh, Le Dinh Don and Bui Cach Tuyen 


Effect of paclobutrazol on floral induction for three mango cultivars grown in Cu Chi district, Ho Chi Minh city
Nguyen Van Phong and Nguyen Van Ke 


Non timber forest products for food and income of the Ma, a minority ethnic group in southern central highlands of Vietnam
Dinh Quang Diep, Vo Van Thoan


GIS and DSS for sustainable watershed management in Dong Nai watershed – Vietnam
Nguyen Kim Loi


Strengthening links among extension, research and education in rural development at sea region
Nguyen Van So


Inflammatory bowel disease in small animal medicine

Nguyen Van Nghia, Tim Gruffydd-Jones


Constipation and megacolon in cats and dogs
Nguyen Van Nghia, Rachel Dean 


Application of the post-valve T-caecum cannulation technique in pigs for ileal digestibility study in Vietnam
Le Van Tho


Pigs’ physiological responses at different relative humidity and increasing temperatures
T.T.T. Huynh, A.J.A. Aarnink, M.W.A. Verstegen, W.J.J. Gerrits, M.J.H. Heetkamp, B. Kemp


Using meat bone meal to substitute fish meal in feeding tra catfish (Pangasius hypopothalmus)
Le Thanh Hung and Yu Yu 


Effect of flavomycin on growth performance and food utilization of tra catfish (Pangasius hypaphthalmus)
Le Thanh Hung 


Study the effect of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin on muscle and appearance coloration of cultured hybrid clarias (Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus)
Le Thanh Hung 


Biogas technology development in the developing countries
Bui Xuan An


Factors determining the success of the introduction of polyethylene biodigesters
Mette Ide Lauridsen, Bui Xuan An 


The conversion of fire-wood to other fuels in the drying of several agricultural products in Vietnam
Nguyen Hay and Le Quang Giang 


Factors affecting dried fish quality and drying expenditures
Nguyen Hay, and Bui Viet Hung 


A study on poultry slaughtering in Vietnam
Nguyen Van Hung, Nguyen Hoang Nam, Bui Van Mien


Microprocessor – controller (MC-1) for drying, preservation systems and greenhouses
Nguyen Van Hung and Nguyen Hoang Nam 


Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Cry1ac gene to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and evaluation of Heliothis armigera resistance
Tran Thi Dung, Le Tan Duc, Nguyen Huu Ho, Nguyen Van Uyen 


Botulism risk in map, high moisture bakery products
Vu Thi Lam An and Helge Böhnel


Generating mass flow of paddy grain in a triangular spouted bed by insert design
Nguyen Le Hung, Robert H. Driscoll, and George S. Srzednicki 
























Số lần xem trang: 2336
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 15-03-2012


Muc luc tạp chí KHKT NLN số 1 và 2 năm 2014 (11-12-2014)

Mục lục Tạp chí KHKT Nông Lâm nghiệp từ năm 2011-2013 (29-11-2013)

Mục lục tạp chí số 4 năm 2003 (15-03-2012)

Mục lục tạp chí số 3 năm 2003 (15-03-2012)

Mục lục tạp chí số 2 năm 2003 (15-03-2012)

Mục lục tạp chí số 1 năm 2003 (15-03-2012)

Mục lục tạp chí số 4 năm 2004 (15-03-2012)

Mục lục tạp chí số 3 năm 2004 (15-03-2012)

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